Quality and Purity is in our DNA!

100% Pure Natural Honey from Spain


The MotherLand Organic Honey

This Honey is a selection of the best Spanish monofloral honeys enriched with the best products from the hive: royal jelly, beepollen, propolis and other 100% natural ingredients. Spanish honey is known for its superior quality and is sought after by customers in countries around the world. It contains no added sugars, only the sugars naturally present in its ingredients. It also has the following nutritional benefits: gluten free · cholesterol free · no additives · no added sugars · lactose free.

Spain is a country with a very varied climate, which makes it possible for bees to produce honey all year round. In fields and mountains, bees can produce different types of honey, depending on both the season and geographical area in which they are found. Spanish honey is known for its high quality and is the leading honey producer in Europe.

Discover a range of flavours, aromas and colours in the best honey harvested in Spain.