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The MotherLand

ApiÉnergie Honey from Spain Unfiltered and Unpasteurized

ApiÉnergie Honey from Spain Unfiltered and Unpasteurized

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ApiÉnergie HONEY


ApiÉnergie is a selection of the best Spanish monofloral honeys enriched with the best products from the hive: royal jelly, beepollen, propolis and other 100% natural ingredients. These combinations produce healthy and delicious products which are ideal for the whole family. They are a fusion of innovation with tradition and quality.

Each tablespoon of ApiEnergy (20g) contains 400mg of Royal Jelly.

ApiÉnergie is a revolutionary product, with a creamy texture, without added sugars, without additives and made with 100% Natural Ingredients. A very comfortable, effective and tasty way to consume Royal Jelly, Flower Pollen and Propolis, at the same time and in a single tablespoon.

ApiÉnergie is an exceptional food that, due to its carbohydrate content, helps the normal maintenance of the brain (the beneficial effect is obtained with a daily intake of 130g of carbohydrates from all sources).

In addition, our Honey ApiÉnergie contains no added sugars, only the sugars naturally present in its ingredients. It also has the following nutritional benefits: gluten free · cholesterol free · no additives · no added sugars · lactose free.


100% Natural Ingredients: 93% Creamy Orange Blossom Honey, 3% Flower Pollen, 2% Royal Jelly and 2% Propolis





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